Introduction to First Nations Mental Wellness

The contents of the Introduction to First Nations Mental Wellness will be available for use by Mental Wellness Teams across Canada. This resource guide is intended to provide information that will support First Nations Mental Wellness Teams to promote their services with local, provincial and federal partners.

This resource guide will contain a section on First Nations Mental Wellness 101 that will provide foundational information for those working in mental wellness capacities. This resource will include information about how mental wellness teams can support communities, what mental wellness teams are about (who we are and what we do), and, sharing best practices. This resource will provide information about the reality of First Nations mental wellness services specific to their regions.

The last section of the First Nations Mental Health Resource Guide can be adapted to the specific needs of the mental wellness teams as per their region. This section will provide guidelines on how to structure their resources for use with local and provincial funders, describe how funding mechanisms work in their areas, provide information about resources specific to their areas, etc.

When completed, the material will be provided as a resource for First Nations Mental Wellness Teams in a web-based resource and as downloadable assets versions in PDF.

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