New episode! ⭐ pihtikwê: Therapy Begins and Ends with Ceremony with Dr. Esthi Stewart

COVID-19 Information

Printable Information Sheets

Reputable Links

  • Kids Help Phone
  • Link: COVID-19 Information Site
    Public Health Agency of Canada website with up to date information on COVID-19, measures taken by Canada, information sheets and other resources.
    FNHMA is working diligently to keep indigenous and first nations health professionals informed with the most recent and up to date information on COVID-19.
  • Thunderbird Partnership Foundation
    The Thunderbird Partnership Foundation is a non-profit organization that is committed to working with First Nations to further the capacity of communities to address substance use and addiction. We promote a holistic approach to healing and wellness that values culture, respect, community, and compassion. Our top priority is developing a continuum of care that would be available to all Indigenous people in Canada.
  • AFN
    First Nation leaders (Chiefs) from coast to coast to coast direct the work of AFN through resolutions passed at Chiefs Assemblies held at least twice a year. The AFN National Executive is made up of the National Chief, 10 Regional Chiefs and the chairs of the Elders, Women’s and Youth councils.


PSA - Town Hall

A public service announcement for everyone on the front lines of COVID-19 in our communities.

Video: COVID-19 Response

03/20/20 Dr. Valerie Gideon (Senior Assistant Deputy Minister for FNIHB, ISC) and Dr. Tom Wong (Executive Director and Chief Medical Officer of Public Health, ISC) provided an update on what Indigenous Services Canada is doing to support Indigenous peoples across Canada with respect to the COVID-19 response.

Video: Testing & Care

Indigenous Services Canada has developed a video featuring Chief Nursing Officer, Robin Buckland. The objective of the video is to provide information about COVID-19 testing and care and what to do if you are in a First Nations community. This video will be promoted on the department`s social media channels.