Denise McCuaIg
Dr. Ed Connors
Dr. William MusselL
Dr. Carol Hopkins
Dr. Carol Hopkins is the Chief Executive Officer of the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation (a division of the National Native Addictions Partnership Foundation) and is of the Lenape Nation at Moraviantown, ON. Carol was appointed as an Officer in the Order of Canada, 2018. In 2019, she was […]

Brent Bissaillion
Intelligent, forward-thinking, and always mindful of the grandfather teachings, Brent Bissaillion is an articulate, two-spirit 31-year-old serving a second term as Chief of Serpent River First Nation. Having a population of approximately 1200 citizens with 370 living on the reserve, […]
Carla Cochrane
Carol McCorrister
Na dishini kaaz Yellow Eagle Women, Carol McCorrister who is the new SCO MCRT Coordinator since December 6th. I am a member of the Peguis First Nation that’s worked in both social and health services sectors since 1987. I hold a Bachelor of Social Work degree from the U of Mb and bring to SCO over 30 years’ experience ranging from […]

Dr. Caroline Tait
Caroline is a medical anthropologist with particular research interests in Indigenous health and social justice, and the challenges faced by women who are marginalized. Dr. Tait earned her MA at the University of California (Berkeley), and her PhD at McGill University. She has been a Fulbright […]