pihtikwê Episode 2: Dr. Melanie Nelson – Winning Trust of Children and Communities

Our guest on this episode of pihtikwê: Visits with First Nation Psychologists is Dr. Melanie Nelson. She is a proud Samahquam (St’at’imc) woman and an Assistant Professor at the University […]
Podcast Episode 1 – pihtikwê: Visits with First Nations Psychologists

This podcast series is developed by the Healing from Trauma and Reducing Addictions group, part of the Ontario Network Environments Indigenous Health Research (ON NEIHR) Program. Situated in 10 sites […]
Announcing the Release of the National Wellness Gathering Report

As Canada Day approaches, it is a time for reflection on the country’s history and its ongoing journey toward truth and reconciliation. In this spirit, the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) and First […]
Developing Relationships on a Shared Path to Reconciliation

FPWC is part of the transformative journey towards Indigenous wellness. Our own Dr. Ed Connors, Dr. William Mussell, and Despina Papadopoulos showcase how FPWC, with a two-eyed seeing approach and […]
National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

This year marks the second National Day for Truth and Reconciliation in Canada. This federal statutory holiday aims to recognize the legacy of the Canadian Indian Residential School System. This […]
A Message: In Support of James Smith Cree Nation

We would like to extend our deepest sympathies and condolences to the families and communities affected by the recent devastating events in James Smith Cree Nation and Weldon, Saskatchewan. Our […]