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Indigenous Student Wellness Toolkits in Ontario

Previous work carried out by FPWC with Indigenous partners and School Mental Health Ontario (SMHO), identified the need to support student wellness through the recognition of cultural identity within the provincial school system, as well as developing relevant resources to support Indigenous student wellness.

FPWC is developing three Indigenous Student Wellness Toolkits geared toward specific audiences – administrators, educators and support staff, and parents/caregivers. Each toolkit aims to improve access to culturally relevant resources and provide helpful tips to address mental wellness and well-being for Indigenous youth within Ontario school boards. The toolkits identify practical considerations to create a safe, inclusive, and culturally responsive school system and environment where Indigenous students have support and are encouraged to fulfill their social, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual goals.

The three toolkits are currently under review to ensure representation of First Nation, Inuit, and Métis voices. Upon completion, the toolkits will be shared across Ontario school boards to support Indigenous student wellness.

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