New episode! ⭐ pihtikwê: Therapy Begins and Ends with Ceremony with Dr. Esthi Stewart

Life Promotion & Suicide Prevention


The Life Promotion / Suicide Prevention report provides insight and recommendations on wise practices for suicide prevention and life promotion to support the well-being of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis people during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. While suicide prevention methods are helpful, the report discusses the need to emphasize life promotion approaches. Life promotion is rooted in Indigenous strengths and culture, addresses the impacts of colonization, and works to promote wholistic well-being.

Access the REport:

Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention

Promotion de la vie Prévention du suicide

Other reports in the series:

About the report:

  • The Life Promotion and Suicide Prevention report is one of four reports developed by the Task Group on Mental Wellness (Task Group), part of the COVID-19 Public Health Working Group on Remote and Isolated Communities
  • The Task Group is made up of members from First Nation, Inuit and Métis National, Regional, and community organizations, as well as government representatives
  • The Task Group was assembled to provide recommendations and wise practices on how to support and promote mental health and wellness during and post COVID-19 among First Nations, Inuit, and Métis across Canada
  • The reports recognize and respond to the impacts of the pandemic, which have exacerbated the extensive social, health, and economic disparities First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities continue to face
  • There is focus on northern communities, recognizing that their realities are often different from those in the rest of Canada